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R E S U M É (Revised 1 June 2005)

MFA, Maryland Institute of Art, 1967
AB, University of Kentucky, 1962

1969 to present, Eastern Kentucky University
All Sculpture
All Drawing
All Photography
Drawing and Design
Three-Dimensional Design
Two-Dimensional Design
Art History Surveys
Art Appreciation
Materials Inquiry in Art Education (as "Problems")
Seminar in Art Criticism
Senior Exhibition
Problems in Art

1967 to 1969, Pembroke University, North Carolina
All Ceramic
Art Education (Elementary and Secondary)
Art Appreciation

1963 to 1967, Baltimore Public Schools, Maryland
Position: Art teacher responsible for seventh through ninth grade art classes.
Hampstead Hill Junior High 1964 to 1967 (Art Chair – 1965 to 67)
Harlem Park Junior High 1963 to 1964
1962 to 1963, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Maryland
Positions: Art Teacher responsible for seventh grade art; Drawing/Painting Instructor for the Adult Education Night School

I have exhibited continuously from 1962 to the present. My record the last few years has been mostly limited to faculty shows and exhibition/demonstrations connected with the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen. In the past I have shown in the Baltimore area, The High Museum in Atlanta, Raleigh Museum, Ball State, J. B. Speed and some lesser known places. Most of my work in formal exhibitions has been sculpture although I have also shown paintings, ceramics and photography. My craft exhibition/ demonstration record extends back to 1967 and was been essentially unbroken (one or two a year) until about 1995.

2001 "Faculty Exchange Exhibition" - University of Evansville
"Faculty Exchange Exhibition" - Murray State University
1999 "EKU Faculty Biennial"
1997 "EKU Faculty Biennial"
1996 "Over the Bridge" Transylvania University
1995 "EKU Faculty Biennial"
Since 1995, I’ve exhibited in every faculty biennial and other Art and Design Faculty Exhibits.
2004, I took part in a group exhibition at Richmond’s Main Street Gallery
Through Spring 2016 sporadic exhibitions

Over the years I have made numerous presentations to art clubs and similar organizations. I have also made presentations to faculty groups and symposia and have served as guest lecturer or panelist. I have not kept track of these sorts of appearances. However, one presentation that stands out was the formal explication of the art program I made for the Art Faculty to the rest of the Arts and Humanities Faculty.

I have reviewed several art texts (most of the reviews are of art appreciation texts). Some examples are: prepublication review of Bersson, Worlds of Art, Mayfield Publishing Company; a comparison of Cleaver, Art: An Introduction, Harcourt Brace Johanovich relative to Fichner-Rathus, Understanding Art, Prentice Hall; a prepublication review of Langland, Practical Sculpture, Prentice Hall; prepublication review Photography in Plain Language, Brown and Benchmark.

I am the sculptor of the bust of Daniel Boone which is on public display at the Museum of Fort Boonesborough (since 1972).

In 1999, I completed a commission for a life-size sculpture of St. Mark for St. Mark Church, Richmond.

In 1999, I repaired a vandalized crucifix (heroic scale) for Good shepherd Parish, Frankfort, KY.

In 2000/01, I completed a commission for two life-size sculptures of St. Peter and St. Paul for Saints Peter and Paul Church, Danville.

In 2004, I created and cast two 32” bronze wreaths for the EKU Veterans Memorial.

I’ve recently been involved with alabaster carving. I done a series of abstract forms based on the structure of knots.

Although sculpture is my major area of interest, I’ve done quite a bit of work in other art areas like painting, photography, and ceramics. ( I have been particularly active in ceramics, and have made thousands of pots.) Within my areas of interest, I work in a variety of media. For example, in the sculpture area, I work in marble, limestone, alabaster, bronze, welded steel, plaster, terra cotta, and fiberglass, and use all the major additive, subtractive, and substitutive processes. My work’s scale varies greatly, my pieces range from a 14’ high commission to those of only a few inches maximum dimension. Some work I do for my own pleasure, and some for various patrons.

Currently, I’m working on a small medallion for a gravestone, and a series of maps for publication in Charles Bracelen Flood’s soon to be published book, Grant and Sherman (The Friendship That Won The Civil War). I plan to continue my alabaster carving.

Past Chair, Chapel Committee (This committee no longer exists.)
Past Member, Faculty Senate
Past Member, International Education Committee

Past Member, various committees the most important being the Humanities General Education (subcommittee), Promotion and Tenure and Dean Selection Committees

Interim Chair, Art Department (1994-95 and 2003-04)
Current Chair, Sculpture Studio
Past Chair, Photography Studio (18 years),
Past Chair, Art Appreciation (25+ years)
Chair, General Purpose Workroom (30 + years)
Chair and member of various committees the most important being: Current, Interior Design Search, and Curriculum; Past, Promotion and Tenure, Curriculum, various search committees, Gallery and the Last Southern Association Self-Study
Senior Advisor (20+ years), did all transcript evaluation for purposes of art, and art education certification from approximately 1976 until 1995. I am again doing transcript evaluations as of 2003.

Former Faculty Advisor, Asian Students International Association
Former Faculty Advisor, Scouting Service Alliance
Former Faculty Advisor, Organization of Returning students
Former Faculty Advisor, Chess Club
Former Secretary-Treasurer for the EKU chapter of the American Association Of University Professors

Member, North Carolina Task Force for Art Education (I am not sure if this is the correct name)

1965 to 1967 Art Chair at Hampstead Hill Junior High School
1966/67 Building Representative (an elected position equivalent to that of a union shop steward) for the American Federation of Teachers at Hampstead Hill Junior High School.

As a volunteer in the Boy Scouts of America for more than thirty years, I have served in a variety of positions (including scoutmaster for four and a half years). I have served on the troop, district and council level. I have completed "Wood Badge", the most rigorous training Scouting volunteers undergo. I have served as staff on eight Wood Badge courses offered by the Blue Grass Council. I have directed several camporees, served as district training chairman and roundtable chairman. I have served on council-wide boards and staffs dealing with training and administration. I have directed council-wide training events like the "University of Scouting" and the "Showando." I have been involved with the long-range planning, staffing, resource acquisition, funding, recruitment and publicity for numerous other events.

I serve my church as a volunteer in several areas. I was a Confraternity of Christian Doctrine teacher (high school level) for twelve years. I served a term on the parish council (secretary treasurer). I have been a lector and cantor for over thirty years and have been a eucharistic minister for the last fifteen plus years.

I have worked with the “Empty Bowls” project for the past few years. This past year, I made over 160 bowls for the project (more than anyone else) and did a throwing demonstration at the event.

Peabody Prize (1965): Awarded to the outstanding student of The Maryland Institute of Art
2002, Art Teacher of the Year (Higher Education) awarded by the Kentucky Art Education Association
Fall 2004, Distinguished Educational Leader (Exceptional Classroom Performance) awarded by Eastern Kentucky University’s Student Government Association.

I have participated in Eastern's outreach to an extended campus region by visiting public schools.

I am computer literate. Among other programs, I am competent in Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, and Photoshop. Further, I have considerable internet experience. I have my own home computer and quality photo printer.

I am a veteran of four years in the USAF. Three of these years were spent as an electronics technician (Bomb Navigational Computer Radar Systems) in the Strategic Air Command.

I have received several Boy Scouts of America Adult Awards – this includes the Silver Beaver, the highest award available on the council level.

I’ve received the Saint George Award from the Roman Catholic Church. This is the highest diocesan award for Catholic Scouters.


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